Earth Day turns 50
This year is the 50th Anniversary of Earth Day. The observance was created in 1970 by Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson to bring awareness to environmental issues and drive change.

Even under the unique circumstances we find ourselves in right now, there are still ways to honor this day! If you can, get outside for a while for a walk, run, bike or hike- just keep in mind social distancing guidelines. Gardening is another great way to celebrate Earth Day. Or, further educate yourself by watching Eco-documentaries on Netflix. Click here for a list.

Tentree is one of our favorite brands for a few reasons. For one, their apparel and accessories are made from sustainable materials. It’s stylish and trendy, yet comfortable and functional.

For every piece of apparel or product you buy, TenTree plants 10 trees. So far, your purchases of TenTree products from Easton Outdoor have planted over 4,000 trees! As of today, the company has planted over 42 million trees in total.

Help the brand reach their goal of 1 billion trees by 2030! We have hats, hoodies, flannels, dresses, tanks, tees, button-downs and wallets available online right now. Many items are included in our 40% off End of Season Sale, like this Women’s Juniper Hoodie.

Check out our entire stock of TenTree apparel & accessories here!

Downtown Easton Clean-Up Day
This Saturday, April 25th, the Easton Main Street Initiative has planned the “Downtown Easton Clean-Up Day”. Originally, the day was supposed to be the “City-Wide Clean Up Day”, but due to the current situation, they’re now encouraging Easton residents and business owners to clean up outside their homes and establishments, instead. Here are suggestions for how to participate from their Facebook event:

• Spruce up the area in front of your house(s)
• Weed and mulch tree wells
• Sweep along the curb lines
• Pick-up trash
• Clear storm water drain grates
• Plant your window boxes or front porch planters
• Sweep off your front porch
• Wipe down your front door & trim
• Clean your windows
• Hose down siding and shutters
• Clean-up back alleys

Remember to share your photos to Easton Main Street’s Facebook page!

As always, thank you for your support of Easton Outdoor through your online and gift card purchases! We’re still offering hyper-local delivery for those within around 5 miles of the store. We’re in this together- stay safe and hang in there.

"The Earth is what we all have in common."
—Wendell Berry

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